The Reason For The Column

When I was undertaking my studies at Reading University I was privileged to meet Harold Crowter who was the Director of the Arbitration course. He inspired me. He had a way of teaching the subject which made it interesting. His book – An Introduction to Arbitration – is still on my desk. It was an invaluable source of reference to me as a student and still is today as a practicing Chartered Arbitrator. I give it the sub-title “A step by step guide for the complete idiot”, which I openly admit I was when I decided to undertake the Course.

Another such individual was Professor D Mark Cato. I never met him but I did speak to him on a few occasions. His book is called Arbitration Practice and Procedure. This is also on my desk. I sub-title his book “The A-Z of Arbitration – everything you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask”. I do hope Thomasina and her boyfriend – Charley ‘the rent boy’- will agree. To those of you who do not make the connection you will need to buy his book.

These men were great Arbitrators whose books were and still are regarded in my mind as two of the many definitive Bibles in Arbitration. Both men shared much common ground: namely a thirst to teach, an ability to inspire others and a great sense of humour. Alas they are in that great ADR field in the sky. Harold died five years ago while we lost Mark Cato in the winter of 2012. God rest their souls.

In their memory I dedicate this part of our website to them. I call it the MC² column. It is a fitting tribute to them as they extended such great mass and energy to the Arbitration profession. I am sure Einstein would not object.

This column aims to follow their spirit in humour in the hope that it will bring some amusement, even though I suspect it may have limited educational benefit to those who read it. If not and it only brings a smile or a laugh then I have achieved something in their name which is only right.
