What can we do for you?
Valuations – We can assist with
- Bank loan valuations – on numerous valuation panels
- Property investment advice
- Provide values for capital gains and/or inheritance tax
- Tell you how much it will cost to extend your Lease
- Inform you of marriage value
- Value assets for business partnership breakup or Divorce
- Give you pre-acquisition advice
Asset Management – what’s it all about?
- My family have inherited a portfolio of property – what should we do
- Mum is having problems coming to terms with the rent roll
- Some of my tenants are not paying the rent
- The family have inherited property and the tax man wants his slice of tax now
- We have too much borrowing but want to preserve a cash flow
- After the payment of the mortgage there is little if anything left
- I no longer want tenants to call me with problems
- I want to sit on the beach and no longer manage the properties
Development Feasibility – We will answer these questions
- Is my property ripe for development?
- What price could I get?
- Does the proposed development make best use of the land?
- The profit to be made from a JV or development agreement – is it fair?
- What will be the impact on me if I take up an option to sell my land?
- I need a projected cash flow
Representation – We will appear on your behalf if
- The Lands Valuation Tribunal is determining the price for your Lease extension
- Your rent is subject to review
- Your Planning Application looks like it will be refused or is at Appeal
Negotiator – A person who acts as your trouble shooter
- You are facing or fighting for an increase in rental
- Your Lease has expired and you want to stay
- Your landlord wants too much to extend your Lease
- Holding a Lease(s) containing clause(s) depressing value
- Dealing with an unreasonable opposite number
- Own a portfolio of property which is under performing
- Have been served with a schedule of dilapidations
- There is a building being constructed next door
- Service Charges are wrong
That is what we do